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HOW TO REDUCE FACE FAT-it really works

9:06 PM Unknown 1 Comments Category :

 Reduce Face Fat

Take a good look at all your family members-  not just parents and immediate siblings, but aunts and uncles and cousins-  do any of them have that same "chubby" face?  If so, you may have to adapt your way of thinking about your looks.

If your BMI is 19, chances are the shape of your face is not due to adipose tissue deposits, but genetic characteristics;  it is hard to imagine a scenario where someone has a BMI of less than twenty and is somehow carrying fat in their face.  That's...  odd. 

If (<---- small word, big importance) you actually do have fatty  deposits under the skin of your face, the only way to get rid of them is  through plastic surgery (bad option, I'm telling you) or eating to lose  more weight.  The first is, again, a bad idea, to me, and the second is  unhealthy and quite probably unlikely to work:  You would have to lose  far too much weight everywhere else to affect any fat deposits on your  face.

You can certainly opt for plastic surgery-  save all your money and spring for it-  but, for myself, that's not the best answer.  The best answer is to accept you have a round face- not a fat face, not a chubby face, but a round face.  It means you look happy, cute, even, most of the time- a social plus- and another thing I've noted about round-faced people is they seem to have great skin. 

Check out some fashion mags for ways to wear your hair that de-emphasize your round face if it really bothers you that much.  Become a make-up artist and give yourself cheekbones and a narrow, sculpted nose, emphasize your eyes and arch your brows.  And then accept, you have a round face.