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Push up'- different kinds of variations

2:58 AM Unknown 1 Comments Category :


There are different kinds of push up's,
And all of them helps human body in different ways.
Few of them are very commonly known, but besides these known ways,there are other kinds of push up's.
1. Push up's for building chest:-
    This kind of push up's helps to reduce
     fat of chest and helps to bring it in a 
    good shape. These also helps to bring 
    chest cuts.
2.Push up's on nuckles (push up on punch):-
    This kind of variation is mostly
     preferred by martial artist because 
    these helps to make nuckles tight & 
    stronger. But these are very hard to 
3.Diamond push up's:-
    This kind of push up's helps to relax 
    & build back. In this,hands are joined 
     together, the position of hands makes
     a shape like diamond. These push up
    are always recommended by gym 
    trainers, it is because these are a very
    essential for body.