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Why vitamin's are important

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What are vitamins:-
 •Vitamines are chemicals required to keep human body healthy. Every vitamin is necessary for body,if a particular vitamin is not taken in a diet,
it may cause into deficiency disease.

There are two types of vitamins:-
1. Water soluble vitamins:- These are soluble in water. They contain elements like nitrogen and even sulphur.
2. Fat soluble vitamins:-These are soluble in fat. These contains elements of carbon,oxygen and hydrogen.

Water soluble vitamins:-
A. Vitamin B- This vitamin consist of eight soluble vitamins:-
 •Vitamin B1- This is also known as thiamin. It is a colourless vitamin. It smells like yeast. It helps in metabolising carbohydrates. It helps to maintain the health of intestine,liver,kidneys,stomach,etc. It also helps to maintain efficiency of nerves and muscles. Its deficiency causes skin diseases, headache, indigestion, loss of appetite and retards the muscular efficiency. It can also cause 'Beri-Beri' disease. It's deficiency is a cause of irritation,constipation and anger, development of body also stops.
 •Vitamin B2- This vitamin is yellow in colour. It is usually destroyed in sunlight and in cooking food for long time. It helps in maintaining the character of individual, tightness and smoothness of skin. It helps to keep eyes, mouth, nose, lips in healthy state. Its deficiency may cause stunted growth, inflamed eyes and unhealthy skin and also decreases immunity power of white blood cells. It deficiency decreases immunity power.
 •Vitamin B3- This helps in the growth of human body. It's deficiency causes grey hair.
B. Vitamin C- It is also known as 'ascorbic acid'. It is white crystalline. It helps in healing of wounds and also helps in absorbing calcium. It is a very effective antioxidant. It is found in various fruits like pineapples, amla, ber, green chillies, etc.

Fat Soluble Vitamins:-

A. Vitamin A- This vitamin is a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. It helps to form teeth and bones. It also increases vision. It resists infection. It's deficiency leads to night blindness. It is found in milk, egg yolk, mango, papaya, etc.

B. Vitamin D- It contains elements of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen. It helps to absorb phosphorus and calcium. Its deficiency can cause tooth cavities,etc. This vitamin is found in sun light, milk, etc.

C. Vitamin E- It is helpful for giving strength to cell membrane. It helps to keep the skin healthy and helps to cure cancer. It also prevents heart attacks. It is found in green vegetables, egg, cereals and pulses.