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Is Nutrition hepfull for body? - Nutrition Fact

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Meaning of Nutrition:-

  Nutrition is a science of food and its relation with human body.
  It is also called a process in which food taken is digested, absorbed by body, etc.

Everyone in this world wants to live a healthy life. Food is the main bases of maintainence of health
The knowledge of nutrition is very important for everyone.  Human body gets nutrition from food and is food is related to those substances by which human body can remain alive and survive by consuming them.

Components of  Nutrition:-

 1.Carbohydrates;-  Carbohydrates are the most important for body and it is the most important source of energy. They contain Oxygen,Carbon,Hydrogen, There is a big difference between Carbohydrates and other nutrients like fats and proteins. 

   There are two types of  Carbohydrates:-
Complex Carbohydrates:- These carbohydrates contain glycogen,dextrine,starch and cellulose. These    are not sweet in taste and are insoluble in water and  are not crystalline. 
* Simple Carbohydrates:- These carbohydrates contain  glucose,sucrose,lactose ans maltose,fructose.
These are soluble in water and are crystalline and are sweet in taste. These are also called as sugar.

2.Water:-It is a compound which is made of hydrogen and oxygen in ratio of 2:1. Human body contains 90% of water. It helps to transport nutrients to body cells, helps to regulate body temperature and is also very essential for various chemical reactions.

3.Proteins:- Proteins contains components like carbon,nitrogen,oxygen,hydrogen and sometimes sulphur also. Proteins can not get directly into our body because they are very large molecules.
Due to this body digestive system turns it into amino acids. These amino acids are used by the body to create muscles,blood,skin,hair,nails and internal organs. Proteins repair the broken tissues,form new tissues.
Excess use of proteins in diet can result in osteoporosis,heart diseases,kidney stones.
Body requires 0.36 grams of protein per pound.

4.Fats:- Fats contains hydrogen,carbon,oxygen in percentage of 12,76 and 12. Fats are very important for many body functions. Fats protects organs and keeps us warm and helps in production of hormones.

5.Vitamins:- These are chemicals and are required in very small amount to keep us healthy. It is very important to take particular in a diet.

6.Minerals:-Minerals are very important in our diet. 4%  of body weight is made up of minerals. Minerals are required for healthy muscles,teeth and bones.Minerals contain calcium,potassium,etc